Mentally Healthy Communities Project

At our meeting in August, Nicola Halligan, a Health Improvement Officer from the Department of Public Health came along and shared a new project that they are working on.

The project is called the Mentally Healthy Communities Project. The Idea is that it is a toolkit that communities can work with to identify “assets” and what needs to be done to create a thriving and mentally healthy community. They have already had a very successful launch in Girvan and South Carrick so approached the Tarbolton Community Council to see if we would be willing to become the second pilot community for the project to see how it reacts on a smaller population.

Below is a video that describes the project further:


The Tarbolton Community Council decided not to make a decision at that meeting (2nd August 23) but decided that it would be discussed further at the following meeting. Nicola has asked for the Mentally Healthy Communities Toolkit to be made available to aid in the decision making and as such it is available to download at the end of this post.

Nicola has also kindly provided some assets from the Girvan and South Carrick pilot for us to take a look at what is involved. She would like to remind everyone that the scale of Girvan and South Carrick is vastly different to the scale of Tarbolton so while they had around 40 action plan items, it is entirely feasible for us to have as little at 1 or 2. Again, these are available below


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